Robert Kraszewski
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hello and welcome! A little about me as an artist- my journey of creativity began at the age of 5 when I had asked my father to build me a little axe. I had precisely drawn how I envisioned it should look. A week later, my dad gave me my axe- and from that moment on, I was hooked. I could not stop drawing throughout the entirety of my childhood and youth. Eventually, this led me to draw at the Fine Arts State Secondary School in Warsaw and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. My work can be found on book covers and in the columns of weekly magazines. I’ve utilized my artistic skills and passion in an array of formats- movie posters, advertising campaigns, and logos for various companies. In short, I have been painting, drawing, and creating in some way for my whole life. Today, I find myself drawn back to my original love- oils and watercolors. My paintings decorate many private residences, as well as the walls of public institutions. I paint because it is simply my passion. My last name, Kraszewski comes from an old Polish word, meaning ” to decorate” and I find joy and peace in honoring it through my work.

painting, drawing, illustrating
I look for inspiration everywhere and everything inspires me. I do not stick to one painting technique, but I adapt the technique to the subject. Here are examples of my work.

Art For Sale
This part of my website is a work in progress. Soon you will be able to purchase original artworks, their prints, and order gadgets
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